Applying for Al Azhar University

History of Al-Azhar University

Al-Azhar University is a university associated with Al-Azhar Mosque in Islamic Cairo, Egypt. it is Egypt's oldest degree-granting university and is renowned as Sunni Islam’s most prestigious university. In addition to higher education, Al-Azhar oversees a national network of schools with approximately two million students. As of 1996, over 4000 teaching institutes in Egypt were affiliated with the University.

Founded in 970 or 972 by the Fatimids as a center of Islamic learning, its students studied the Qur’an and Islamic Law in detail, along with logic, grammar, rhetoric, and how to calculate the phases of the moon. It was one of the first universities in the world, and the only one in the Arabic world to survive as a modern university including secular subjects in the curriculum. Today it is the chief center of Arabic Literature and Islamic Learning in the world. In 1961 additional non-religious subjects were added to its curriculum.

(Source -

Requirements - Qur'an and Arabic
Students from any country in the world can apply, there are no restrictions and they have both Male and Female campuses.


It is highly recommended to have studied Arabic prior to applying in order to avoid starting in a lower year. A good level of comprehension, wide range of vocab, an ability to write a small essay comfortably and a base ability to communicate your thoughts in Arabic.

This will allow you to make use of your time more effectively and this level can easily be reached by studying through a local Arabic institute in Egypt.


The requirements for Qur'an can change but I would recommend students to memorise from Surah Yaseen --> Surah Faatir to facilitate entering the second or third year of the thanawiyyah (high school).

Students will receive clear direction upon which chapters of the Qur'an they must memorise prior to completion of the academic year. Having memorised several chapters at a minimum will make the process much easier.

Study Programme

Azhar Ma3had – The main institute before entry into the university consists of two stages;

Stage 1 - I3daadi (Primary

3 Year programme of study including a range of subjects such as;

  1. Nahw (Grammar) & Sarf (Morphology)
  2. Mutala3a Wa Kataabah (Reading and Writing)
  3. Al Haasib al Aali (ICT)
  4. Tafseer (Exegesis) & Hadith (Sayings and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad)
  5.  Fiqh (Jurisprudence – According to the school of thought you choose to study)
  6. Al Qur'an & Tajweed (Proficiency in Qur'an recitation)
  7. Tawheed (Theology) & As Seerah (Life of the Prophet Muhammad)
Stage 2 - Thanawiyya (High School)

3-year programme covering the following subjects;

  1. Nahw (Grammar)
  2. Sarf (Morphology)
  3. Balagha (Rhetoric)
  4. Adab Wa Nusoos (Literature & Poetry)
  5. Mutala3a (Wider Reading)
  6. Inshaa’ (Developing Writing Skills)
  7. Arood Wal Qaafiyah (Rhythmic patterns in classical poetry)
  8. Mujtama Islamiyyah (Islamic Society)
  9. Geografia (Geography)
  10. Tareekh (History)
  11. Al Haasib al Aali (Computer Science & ICT)
  12. Tafseer (Exegesis)
  13. Hadith (Sayings and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad)
  14. Fiqh (Jurisprudence – According to the school of thought you choose to study)
  15. Al Qur'an Al Kareem – Memorisation of portions of the Qur'an
  16. Tajweed (Proficiency in Qur'an recitation)
  17. Tawheed (Theology)
  18. Mantiq (Logic)

Textbooks are provided for the academic year you are studying in and most of these books - including additional resources - can also be found online through various websites such as;

University Faculties

Once you have completed the initial years and have attained the Thanawiyyah certificate, you can enter the university, choosing to study at the faculty of your choice.

  • Faculty of Theology (Usool ud Deen)
  • Faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence (Shari’ah and Law)‎‏ ‏
  • Faculty of Islamic and Arab studies
  • Faculty of Islamic preaching (Da’wah)
  • Faculty of Arabic Language 
First, you will study as an undergraduate and attain a Bachelor's degree upon completion.‎ You can register in one of the following programs. The courses run for 4 years unless otherwise stated.
  1. ‎Faculty of theology (Usool Ud Deen) which offers the Bachelor's degree in:
    1. Tafseer - Interpretation (Exegesis) and sciences of Qur'an
    2. Hadith and its Discourse Sciences
    3. Aqeedah Wa Falsafa - Belief and Philosophy
    4. Islamic Conveyance (Da’wah)
  1. ‎Faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence (Shari’ah and law) which offers the Bachelor's ‎degree in:‎‏
    1. Islamic Jurisprudence (Shari’ah)
    2. Shari'ah Wa Qanoon (Shari'ah and law)
  1. Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies which offers the Bachelor’s degree in:‎
    1. Islamic and Arabic Studies
  1. Faculty of Preaching (Da’wah) which offers a degree in:
    1. Da’wah - The Islamic Preaching
  1. ‎Faculty of the Arabic Language which offers the Bachelor’s degree in
    1.  Lughatul Arabiyyah - The Arabic Language
    2. Tareekh - History and Islamic Culture
  1. Faculty of Islamic Sciences for International Students which offers the ‎Bachelor degree in:‎
    1. Dirasaat Islamiyah - Islamic Studies

Application Requirements
General Application Process
  1. 2 Passport sized photos
  2. 2 x Photocopies of your passport
  3. 2 x Photocopies of your visa (Must be in date and not expired)
  4. A letter from the British embassy which must be printed in colour - Can be found by clicking here.
For countries other than the UK, students will need to visit their respective embassies and request a letter of no objection towards study within Egypt. This may incur a fee which can vary according to the embassy.

Submitting your application

  1. The documents listed above need to be taken across to Muraaqabah (Azhar office for foreign students), which is the building next to Madinatul Ba3outh (Just off Ahmed Saeed Street in Abbasiyya - well known).
  2. You will hand in the documents on the first floor alongside filling in a basic application form.
  3. The student will then return on the date the management specify and check to see if their names have been listed in the next batch of students to be enrolled. The time for the lists to be released can vary according to when one applies but there are generally two intake dates (Around September & around January).
  4. Once you return and find your name is listed, you will move to the next stage of the application which requires you to visit Abdul Raouf (top floor of the same building). He will provide you with a form which is stamped. This form will need to be taken to the hospital for several tests.
  5. Students must have several tests (including an HIV test) completed at the Hussein Hospital which is next to Al Azhar Mosque (1-minute walking distance from the side entrance). At the hospital, you will first make your way to the blood department and submit your document alongside two passport sized photos. You will then be given a form to make the payment. Once the payment has been made you will return to the same area and have a blood sample is taken, the results of which you will collect after 4-5 days.

    After the results of the blood test have been received and it is clear, you will receive a list of several tests which the nurse will write down for you, including a sight and hearing test. Take the form and return to the payment office. Once you have made the payment you will need to find the relevant department for the sight and hearing tests. The form will be signed after you have been examined and you are then finished from the hospital.

    Note - Payment for the tests is made at a separate office of the hospital building. You will then take the receipt to the required department for each of the tests to be conducted.

    The tests in total cost around 50-100LE.
  6. Take the form from the hospital back to the muraaqabah (Azhar office for foreign students) and submit the form to Abdul Raouf (top floor of the same building). He will then send you downstairs to purchase a folder to place all your documentation within.
  7. Make two further copies of your visa including the official visa and a copy of the entry date if it is stamped on a different page of your passport.
  8. You will then hand the entire folder into the office on the middle floor and return to Abdel Raouf (top floor of the same building) to ask for your starting date.
Diraasah Khaasa

For students who submit their applications and are awaiting the entry exam or those who fail the entrance exam.

This involves studying at a specific center in which you will revise through the high school content to prepare you for the next entrance exam. Daily attendance is obliged upon students with an allowance of 30 days off during the entire academic year.

Entry into the Azhari system after passing the entry exams

The entrance exams will require you to cover the content from the primary (i3daadi) school and the high (thanawiyyah) school and you will be placed at your appropriate level if you pass the relevant exams.

Once you enter, if you are placed in the first year of the primary or the high school, the academic year of both the primary (i3daadi) and the high (thanawiyyah) school must be completed from start to finish.

If you enter the second year of the primary (i3daadi) or high (thanawiyyah) school, you can choose to complete the second year alongside the third year, which is known as 'musaabaqah'.

This requires you to revise the content for both years but can allow you to progress through the academic years at a quicker pace which is preferred by many students, although many students also complete each year individually, this naturally means entering the university takes longer.

A student should aim to enter the second or third year of the high school (thanawiyyah) and within one year enter the university which requires much in the way of hard work.

The content which students need to cover before the entrance exam can be covered with specific teachers that specialise in preparing students for the exam and studying the Azhar ma’had syllabus.

Visa & Student ID Card

Once you enter your respective year whether it be in the primary or the high school, you can take the following steps to get your visa and ID card.

Student ID Card

  1. Take a passport photo, your class details, a passport copy and your original passport to the office on the ground floor.
  2. Ask for the office to get your student ID card (Bataaqah Ithbaat As Shaksiyyah)
  3. They will take your documents, check them, ask you a few questions and take a payment of around 40LE.
  4. You will then be asked to return after 4-5 days to collect the ID card.

Make your way to the student affairs office (Maktaba shu'oon Al Tullab) and enquire about the process.

Scholarship/Financial Assistance

Alongside the accommodation, students are given a small stipend which can vary year to year.

Privileges of the Scholarship:

  • Free accommodation on the Madinatul Ba3outh campus (Ahmed Saeed street).
  • The general stipend with accommodation in 2017 was around 200LEper month. The stipend without accommodation is around 600LE per month.
  • The student must be registered and not be benefiting from any other scholarships.‎
How to apply for the scholarship/monetary assistance?
  1. Go to the muraaqabah (just off Ahmed Saeed street, next to Madinatul ba’outh)
  2. Take two copies of your passport, 2 passport photos
  3. Ask for the room to submit your application for the financial aid (minhah)
  4. When you reach the room which has a clear sign on the outside, they will ask you what type of assistance you are in search for.
  5. You can choose between financial aid or accommodation. The money may be considered a meagre amount for westerners on a monthly basis but the student accommodation is very useful for students studying at the college.
Location - Campus/Office to submit documentation:

Azhar Islamic Research Academy Expatriates Administration
مجمع البحوث الاسلامية بالازهر ادارة الوافدين

Final points to note:

Just be prepared for the living conditions within the Azhar accommodation as it may surprise many westerners visiting for the first time.

Most accommodation is shared but single rooms can be available at times when students leave - they are allocated on a
 first come first serve basis.

May Allah azza wajal make it easy for you and grant you khair from your studies


  1. Replies
    1. How I can get admission in alla jamaitul azhar , I'm from India also I want to know about scholarship and every details to inter in al azhar university

  2. asalaamu alaykum
    could you please give the exact address of the places mentioned like madinatul ba3outh for clarity.

    1. Assalamualaikum
      How to get a addmission in jamia al Azhar as a indian..?
      Is taken the fees for Indian arabic students
      Please modify it

    2. Wa alaikumussalaam wa rahmatullah,

      Azhar Islamic Research Academy Expatriates Administration
      مجمع البحوث الاسلامية بالازهر ادارة الوافدين

  3. Al azhar i am somali boy my applying scholarship kuliyadu at culum washareca

    1. It will require you to visit the university (admin building for foreign students) and submit the documentation stated in the post above.

      They are also currently running a distance learning programme for which there is a charge and details can be found online.

  4. I am Pakistani. Can you guide me how can I apply at Al alazhar for undergraduate programme.

    1. It will require you to visit the university (admin building for foreign students) and submit the documentation stated in the post above.

      They are also currently running a distance learning programme for which there is a charge and details can be found online.

      Please find the representatives from your country that have an affiliation with Azhar and they may allow you to apply through them.

    2. can you pls share the list of the representatives in Pakistan

  5. As a young USA citizen, if I hear over, is it only religious studies? Or are there necessary academic subjects such as math, science, history, ect.?

    Also, doesn't Azhar have a Faculty of Qur'an? Like the 10 year PhD course or something?

    1. Wa alaikumussalaam wa rahmatullah,

      In the primary school, if you enter at a lower level you will need to study Maths and Science as part of the curriculum.

      Otherwise, the predominant studies are Islamic studies with the addition of Geography, History and Computer Science at the Senior/High school before you enter the university.

      At the university it is strictly the subjects you will be specialising in with the base primers from other topics across the Islamic sciences.

    2. Does every Foreign student have to do the extras, (Geography, History and Comp Sci)? If there's a way around that I'd like to know- I've already done a secular undergard degree and would prefer not to to redo basic High Schooling if possible.

    3. In the primary school, there are certain additional subjects you have to do such as Maths and Science.

      In the high school you also have to study Geography, History & basic Computer Science.

      University - No additional subjects except English.

  6. When admission will start in 2019 .... please give me information anyone. ... which address cary admission circular? ??

    1. Generally two admission dates - One in September and the other around Jan/Feb.

      Just keep in mind the exact date can vary and one has to keep visiting the offiice until their name is released.

  7. I am Masud I wanto study this institute

  8. Can anyone tell me when admission start in 2019 for new student Ulum Islamiah ?

    1. Admissions closed around 1st November 2019 but can be extended at times based on administrative decisions to the end of November.

      For next year it is best to apply from September 2020 onwards and before November to avoid disappointment.

  9. I am from.Sierra Leone and I wanted apply for Ahzar University can you please help me how to apply their ???????

    1. It will require you to visit the university (admin building for foreign students) and submit the documentation stated in the post above.

      They are also currently running a distance learning programme for which there is a charge and details can be found online.

      Please find the representatives from your country that have an affiliation with Azhar and they may allow you to apply through them.

    2. I am an Indian muslim
      want to study engineering at Al azhar University how can I apply for Al Azhar admission process

    3. Same process, follow the steps above. You will need to travel to Egypt to submit your documents.

    4. Please give your whatsApp no. I want study engineering in al azhar university

  10. Am also much interested in studying in this famous institution . Am currently in an institution in Ghana by the name Research of Islamic Institute studying . I want an admission inorder to continue my education in your famous University

    1. Follow the steps above brother and if you have finished at the famous institute in your country, you can ask them to start at a higher level.

  11. Assalamu alaikum I want admission my son mohd amenullah ( age10year old ) pls gauide me

    1. It will require you to visit the university (admin building for foreign students) and submit the documentation stated in the post above.

      They are also currently running a distance learning programme for which there is a charge and details can be found online.

    2. Assalam walikum my father live in al Azhar can he summit my documents.. Or is it compulsory to visit the university to summit document and form??? Answer please

  12. Assalamu alaikum, i am Canadian and don;t understand arabic although i have mesmerized the entire quran. I have a 2 credits left until i attain my high school diploma which will take me about 2 or 3 months. My question is can i submit my application for the scholarship although i haven't obtained my diploma, as i will have earned it by the beginning of the upcoming school year and also with regards to the arabic, can i still join the faculty of theology without understanding arabic? Jazakallah khayr please get back to me.

    1. Wa alaikumussalaam wa rahmatullah,

      You will need to know Arabic. If you're Arabic is very weak you will need to start at a much lower year which means it could take 2-6 years before you reach the university study.

      I would advise you to go to Egypt, develop your Arabic and then apply to Al-Azhar.

  13. كيف التحق بجامعة الأزهر؟

  14. As Salam alaikum I'm from India can I apply for my son he is 6 years old.

  15. Am Malawian can you guide me on how to apply because I really wanna study islamic knowledge

  16. Am a Malawian can you guide me on how to apply because I really wanna study Islamic studies

  17. Assalamu alaikum...I'm zaynab from Sri Lanka...I have memorized the whole quran and now preparing for thaanawiyyah exam...after 3 years I'll do the exam here at sri lanka..with that certificate will I be able to enter to al azhar university?hope I get a reply soon insha allah

    1. Wa alaikumussalaam,

      It depends if it is affiliated to the university. You can always ask them to review this but most likely you will sit the entry exam in Egypt for the university and they will decide which year you will start at depending on your level of understanding and Arabic.

  18. Hi, I am from one of countries in central Asia, Uzbekistan. What exams should I need to pass to enter the university?

  19. Assalamualekum, i want to study islamic course in your university how much cost of a islamic whole course and what is the cost of admission, living expensis food or etc in the asia madrasa did not take money from a student are take how much i don,t have much money i am a poor guy so, islamic course in azhar university free or not

    1. Wa alaikumussalaam,

      The course is free and you can apply for a scholarship in which they provide you free accommodation and food. Your accommodation will also be close to the campus.

    2. Are online classes available? ??

    3. Yes they are on this same website there is article regarding the 4 year online bachelor course

  20. assalamu alaykum
    i am from uzbekistan and i am gonna study in al azhar one day what should i know in order to study in Al Azhar

    1. Wa alaikumussalaam,

      Same for anyone from any country - submit your documents and then you will need to sit the entry exam and they will decide which level you will start at.

    2. Assalamualaikum wara matullah my name is Umar Abba zakar from Nigeria I need help about portal of this University I want to apply. If have ideas you can't contact my WhatsApp number is +2347025752653

  21. Asalam alaykum, I live in the United States and I want to study at al ahzar. Which month should I come and apply? Also if I want to study the qiraat of the Quran, do I have to learn Arabic first ? Jazakallah

    1. Wa alaikumussalaam,

      - Attend around March to submit your application and then keep a lookout for your name at the office until the entry exam date.
      - Attend around September to submit your application and again keep a lookout for your name until the entry exam date.
      They normally have two intakes - one in September and one around Dec/Jan/Feb.

  22. assalamo alikum
    i am from Pakistan . how can apply in his uni lead me any one .and tell me its general admission requirements for apply

    1. Wa alaikumussalaam,

      Same as mentioned above - travel to Egypt and submit your documents to apply.

  23. Assalam walkoum,
    I am an American student who finished High School in America about a year ago, I came to egypt and currently living with my relatives here with my intention to finish the Quran inshallah. I decided I would want to attend this university and though I have almost been here for about a year now my arabic is still not where I would like it to be and I really would want to obtain the knowledge of the Islam inshallah. I really would like to know how I could start attending classes or where I should I start? do I come in person or is it all online? I would like to know that if its possible to also do my engineering major in this school or another school nearby for me so I could do both inshallah?

    1. Wa alaikumussalaam,

      Finish your studies in your country, then visit Egypt and study Arabic for 1 year at a local institute. After this apply to Al Azhar and it will work best for you having a basis in Arabic.

  24. I am a indian student I have finshed aalimyat in arabic so that I want to admission in your university for reading

    1. Follow the steps above, it will require you to visit the country and submit your documents and then await a date for the entry exam.

  25. Assalam o alaikum...I'm a Pakistani student and going to pass my higher secondary exams this year InshaAllah.
    Can you guide me further what courses and diplomas do I need to take before I can apply for al azhar?
    Do I need to come to Egypt and learn all the pre uni courses or it's better online ?
    JazakAllahu khayrn for briefing me.

    1. Wa alaykumussalaam wa rahmatullah,

      Study a good foundation in Arabic by completing a syllabus and then go to Egypt, follow the steps and apply.

  26. Assalomu alaykum I'm from Uzbekistan now I'm studying bachelor degree my question is can I apply for Al-Azhar for master degree?

  27. Salaam, at wha age can I apply for to study at a hat university?

  28. I'm from Kenya I study at raf University. Hopefully I'll finish my mustawa rabi in August. So what are the requirements from me before coming to Egypt

  29. Assalamu Aleykum we Rahmatullah

    My name is Sufyan and I am a 19 year old revert from Switzerland. I would love to study at Al-Azhar University and come back to my country to call the people to Islam. Unfortunately there are very few people of knowledge here and we are in desperate need of people studying the religion of Allah. So my biggest concern is, that I don't speak arabic yet. Can you please provide further information about studying arabic in egypt. (Prices, Institutes, Scholarships etc)

    Also here in Switzerland one must have a special diploma to study at universities. I don't have that yet. But as far as I understood one will get the high school diploma there at Azhar, right?

    BaarakAllahu feekum

    1. Walaikussalam dear brother,First of all you should seek the Arabic language and then try to admit in Jamia Tul Azhar.

  30. Assalamu aleykum. How we can apply with my husband. we are from uzbekistan. so there is any tuition? and examination also? and which kind?Thanks for answer

  31. Assalamu Aleykoum. Could you recommend me an institute in Egypt where I can learn Arabic before enrolling in the University of Al Azhar? Thanks in advance!

  32. How can I make my application of enter Al Azhar university to study Arabic study

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Asslaam O Alaikum. My son is Masha Allah 13 years old and is in grade 8. We reside in Canada and I was wondering do you have boarding school facility ? And do you have Canadian students there ?

  35. Am Kassim from Kenya am 14yrs old. Am doing my final primary exam this year admire to join al Ahzar University so I may became the greatest mufti can I have a chance in joining the school and which level will I start with. If yes please guide me on how to apply please

  36. Assalamualaikum
    Warah'mahtulai Wabarakuh
    I'm from Sierra Leone West Africa
    How can I apply for the Egypt Scholarship and when it's going to start? The application I mean?

  37. Assalamualaikum
    Warah'mahtulai Wabarakuh, I am from usa. Allhumdullah my son finished his hafaz this year.He is going to be admmitted alam recently,what could be his next step when he finish his alam.When he finish Alam will he can aplly for Azhare university

  38. Asssalamulaicom I want study in al azhar university of Egypt

  39. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته فضيلة الإمام إسمى رشيد أمين من موزمبيق والله إنني لا أرى أمراً أمثل علىي من أن أتعلم من مركز الأزهري فضيلة الإمام أن تساعدني في ذا الأمر خير على والله إنني مستعد في المجيء والله ساعدني فضيلة الإمام.والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

  40. Assalamualaikum. My name is Ahmed Ipek. I am Turkish but living in the USA. I am a 12th grader in high school. There are only 1.5 months for me to graduate inshAllah. I've memorized the whole Quran and studied in Cairo, Egypt in Nile Center in 10th grade. Next year, in 11th grade, I came back to the USA, and I went to an Islamic School and took Arabic language classes, along with other studies like Quran, Tafseer, and Hadith, and right now, I want to study at al-Azhar. So my question is if I come to Egypt, do I have to start all the way from the beginning of Primary School and finish up High School in order to enter al-Azhar? I really don't want to waste that much time if I can enter it with a simple Arabic exam because my Arabic is at a decent level. Would it be possible for me to enter al-Azhar if I come to Egypt and take an entry exam and pass it with a good score?
    I hope you get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you so much.

  41. Aslm i am from Nigeria how can affiliate admission in to azhar

  42. Thanks for the blog, it is very helpful. I have a degree in Arabic and a masters in Islamic Studies from Cambridge University. Would I still need to go through the entrance exams or is there any difference?

  43. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I am from Philippines and I'm a Muslim. We and my Friends in total of 14 persons we want to study Islamic Studies in Egypt or Azhar University but our problem is about our Ages because of being late to study islamic studies here in our hometown. And because our place is a rural area we can't study in other place because of financial problem.

  44. I am very thankful to you for providing such a great information. It is simple but very accurate information.

  45. Thank you this is so useful and helpful. Can you make a blog on this topic

  46. Does the uni teach students how to improve their qiraat and voice.

  47. السلام عليكم
    Am from Nigeria how can i apply to get the addimition into the university of Al-azhar
    My whatsapp no: +2349036512414
    Email :
    Plz help

  48. Assalaamu ‘alaykum, is there an age limit? I know arabic but im planning to do thanawi and then the bachelors inshaaAllah. I have commitments now but my age wld be 31 by the time i can go to egypt inshaaAllah

  49. My son completed 3 4 A levels in England including A Level Arabic. All Grade A. Do you think he can enter honours 1st year directly or has to spend some time in thanawiyyah.

  50. My son completed 4 A levels in England including A Level Arabic. Fluent in Arabic like a native speaker. All Grade A. Do you think he can enter honours 1st year directly or has to spend some time in thanawiyyah.

  51. Salam aleykoum. I from France and i am really interrested to join Al Azhar.
    But i have zero diploma.
    They accept the peoples with zero diploma ? Barakallaoufik.

  52. Asalamu Alakum I’m from the Uk. Is it possible for me to apply to an undergraduate and if so how would I go about doing that? Jkhair

  53. I have Graduation in Engineering with 20 Years of post graduation experience. I want to do Master leading to PhD in Islamic Jurisprudence. Can I get admission in Al-Azhar? Can anyone guide me the eligibility criteria if they accepted student from Engineering or Science background with some bridge program to continue study in Islamic Jurisprudence?

  54. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    how can i get more information? is there any sister i can contact that studies in Cairo? i am graduating from high school this year inshaAllah, and i want to study in Egypt to learn arabic and to memorize the Quran

  55. Are there foundation courses in Al-Azhar for foreign students to teach Arabic?

  56. As Salam alaikum I'm from India can I apply for my son he is 10 years old. Please tell me a process.

  57. Asalamualikum I hope everyone is doing good In'sha'allah. I need some information about admission in Al-Azhar can someone contect me in personally my whatapp is +92 336 0076 534 and Instagram (quddrat_ullah) I hope someone Gauid me here.


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