Advice for Families
Going to Egypt with your spouse and children to learn Quran and Arabic is an excellent way of developing your faith and relationships within the family. Even if your children don’t learn that much, seeing their parents seeking knowledge will inshaAllaah be a good example for them to hold on to later in their lives. Unless the parents are planning on working in Egypt, it is likely that you will spend more time with each other which should help to develop a closeness that is sometimes difficult in the normal rat race culture. Although going with the family will present challenges, we should remember that the reward is often proportionate to the difficulty we face. Many families are only able to go for the summer holidays because parents don’t want to take their children out of school or because they cannot take more time off from work. Even these four to six weeks in the summer can be really beneficial in terms of improving one’s tajweed, Arabic and memorization of Quran. ...